Individualized Nutrition Plans for Preterm Infants

Precision NICU Nutrition Software

Sweden's leading solution for
individualized enteral and parenteral nutrition.


Proudly served over 40K+ of patients and counting

* Based on the aggregated average NICU cost per patient per day for Europe, USA and Australia and currency rates of 2024-06-23.

Elevate Your NICU's Nutritional Care

Nutriumâ„¢ empowers your team with precision nutrition calculations, combining enteral and parenteral intakes for optimal growth and development in premature infants.

Tailored by Healthcare Professionals. For Healthcare Professionals.

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A story of implementing the Nutriumâ„¢ Software

"I cannot imagine how to proceed differently, if we are talking about evidence-based healthcare."

"We did not expect how much the Nutriumâ„¢ program would help us and what beneficial results it would bring."

Jiri Dusek, MD, Head of Department

Achieve better compliance to nutritional guidelines

“Nutriumâ„¢ has proven invaluable for quality  improvement of neonatal nutrition in Sweden and is a great tool for inter-hospital, regional, national and international benchmarking.”

Magnus Domellöf, Professor, MD, PhD

Young female nurses monitoring baby in incubator at hospital


Proudly served over 200K+ of patients and counting

The Future of Preterm Nutrition

Personalized Care

Transition from standardized to individualized nutrition plans with Nutrium™’s intuitive interface, loved by your entire team.

Vera Westin​

NICU Dietitian
Karolinska Univeristy Hospital

A program that every pediatric dietician working with parenteral and/or enteral nutrition should have access to

Dr. Jiří Dušek

Medical Doctor
Head of Department,
České Budějovice Hospital

Special Hospital!

I have seen how well it works, so for me it is no question - this is the way to go

Dr. Dirk Wackernagel

Medical Doctor, PhD

Special Hospital!

Nutrium makes my daily work much easier. I have worked with different nutritional prescription programs, but never with one as well designed as Nutrium